Saturday, October 8, 2011


I am hungry ALL the time! I feel like even after I eat I am still hungry! I'm sure I am also just enjoying the fact that people are always telling me " it's okay because I'm pregnant". Because I am eating all day long I really am trying to eat somewhat healthy food, plus I'm not a huge fast food eater (except Chick-fil-a, which happens to be right down the road). I try to go to the grocery when I am not hungry and I am really trying to eat a lot of fruits and veggies! Yesterday while I was at work and about to begin my day of eating, I thought I would make a list of everything I was eating just so I could actually see what and how much I was consuming.... Here is my list so far...

7:30am- Odwalla Superfood smoothie
8:00am- 1/2 grapefruit w/ splenda, strawberry yogurt
10:30am (my school lunch time)- mini choc chip Cliff bar, cut up fruit mix of strawberries, kiwi and grapes, chocolate covered banana chips
1:00pm- handful (or two) of some food reinforcers in my classroom- pirates booty puffed corn and veggie chips- It definitely pays to be a sped teacher and have food around me all day!
4:00pm- cut up cucumbers and hummus, string cheese
6:30pm- Pizza with good friends ( I'm definitely not eating healthy all day, I feel 1/2 the day is plenty)
8:00pm- Frozen lemonade popsicle

And A LOT of water ALL day! I'm so sick of water!

It is truly amazing when I really have my mind set on something that all my smart eating habits mean nothing to me and all I want to think about is how quickly I can get what I want to eat! At the very beginning I remember thinking that cravings were all in your head and that was just excuses people used to indulge on things we normally wouldn't allow ourselves to eat. I now take all that back! I am so lucky that I am locked inside a school running around with kids all day that I am not able to leave and get food. So what I bring is what I get that day (there is no way I'm going near the cafeteria). But when I leave and I feel like all I want is a grilled cheese sandwich with munster, provolone and well any other cheese in sight, that is ALL I can think about! I would have to say that my go to snack so far would probably be hummus and veggies or pita bread!
Looking at all the food and thinking about the day to come... I think baby wants me to go on a walk!

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