Sunday, October 2, 2011

Busy Sunday

I feel like I accomplished a lot today....

I woke up at 6 am to drive Jeff to the airport, and I have most of my energy in the morning so I knew if I wanted to get anything accomplished I needed to get moving!  I started by going to the gym, I feel like I need to move a little for how much I have been eating! I then realized I needed to finish my Halloween decorating...

Sparkle orange and brown candles

Halloween door hanger

Fairytale pumpkins
( I still need to get one more tiny one for baby)
 I feel like for the first time I actually waited until October to put out my Halloween stuff, normally I am that crazy lady who has pumpkins out at the end of Sep! I still need to buy Stewart his Halloween costume... not sure what yet, because it is pretty hard to top his turtle and squirrel costumes from the past couple of years!

I am looking forward to this week, I am in my 13th week so I guess this is the last week of my first trimester? I get so confused keeping up with all the weeks. Before I was pregnant I never understood why people didn't just say how far they were in months, it seemed so much easier. So if you feel like I did then I guess I am starting my 4th month! WOW that is crazy, it is going by so quick! I know there is so much to do before bringing a baby home, I just really don't know what all that is yet. Thank goodness one of my best friends has a 2 year old and has so graciously offered to help me with all these stressful questions!

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