Monday, January 2, 2012

Week 25 & 26

Christmas came a went too fast as always, but I feel like this year it was especially quick. Each week is going fast and faster, and I am growing bigger and bigger! :)

The last two weeks I have felt Baby girl moving all over the place! They are no longer little bubbles popping in my belly, but full blown punches and full body movements! It is such an amazing feeling and experience each time I feel her little body moving around! Jeff catches me cracking myself up because I will just lay in bed really still and wait for her to move, I find it very humorous.

I am also finding some obstacles I am dealing with lately... such as getting dressed. Yes, it is getting harder to bend over and put on socks, shoes, pretty much anything that requires my feet and legs to go into. But the biggest problem I am running into each and every day is finding something to wear and feeling semi good about myself. Yes, it would be very easy to wear leggings and and a t shirt each day, but come on, you know me and that just isn't gonna cut it! I feel like with a preggo belly there are so many cute ways to wear clothes, but when it comes to actually attempting it, you feel like nothing looks good. One thing I am still very pleased with is that I am able to still wear heels... I know it may sound silly, but at least I can still fit into something that makes me feel a little better about myself. Let's face it, we know it will not be too much longer till I am putting those away with the rest of my normal wardrobe.

It is hard to believe that I am coming up on the end of my 2nd trimester! WOW! Only 3 months left till we get to meet out baby girl! Hopefully by then she will have a name! We are still in the process of searching for the perfect name, I never thought it would be this hard, but we will know when we find the right one! I am pretty proud of myself for not getting too stressed out... at least not yet! I am beginning to start thinking of everything that we have not done, which is well almost everything! Jeff always seems to reassure me that somehow it will all come together and I know it will.

                                                              Jeff and I in Lubbock
                                                                  25 weeks
                                                                   26 weeks

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