Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nursery Updates part 2

Our nursery is really coming together!!! I remember sitting in the once 2nd guest room and freaking out that we had not one baby item in there... that was only back in December! Now, it is filled with clean white furniture, tiny baby clothes hung in the closet and books new and old fill her new Ikea shelves! (Thank God for Ikea). I find myself sitting in her room imagining what it will be like when she is there with me!! The nursery is now my favorite room in our house!! Jeff thinks its hilarious that we have lived in our home 2 1/2 years and her room is the only room that has everything it needs! We still don't even have curtains in our bedroom, but Baby needed brand new Anthropologie curtains asap! I am also THRILLED that we are getting my dream rocking chair in the next couple of weeks! Jeff's parents really wanted to make sure we had a rocker in her nursery, but I never dreamed I would be able to have THE rocker! Thanks Russ and Carolyn! This not only means we have a comfy beautiful rocker for Baby, but that we can put the amazing chair we originally got in OUR bedroom! Who would have thought through all this baby shopping that we would get something for us too!!

What was once a guest room with a bunch of obvious things we did not need.....

Is now on its way to being A NURSERY!...

                                                         Jeff putting together the crib
                                                   Crib (Simplyfurniture), rug (Anthropologie)

 bookshelves (Ikea), curtains (Anthroplogie), 4 ft giraffe (Mom)

 dresser (Ikea), mirror(Hobby Lobby) -needs to be hung, lamps (Ikea)

Chair (TJ Maxx), garden stool (Ross), light (Ikea)

Changing table/dresser (Ikea)

Alphabet wall that will soon hang above changing table

Circus Animals ( Homegoods)

mini toy box

Alto Rocker (Monte Designs)

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