Sunday, December 4, 2011

22, 23 going on 24

Wow I really am getting behind at each week. I will try to catch you up for the last couple. Not much has changed except the progressing belly each day. It may not look like it in pictures, but it is growing more and more each day! I told Jeff the other day that I feel like it does not belong on my body. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being pregnant. I promise I am not just saying that, I know lots of people who may say they don't mind it, some say they are not a big fan, but I really am enjoying every moment!

She is moving around a ton, mostly around 3 or 4 in the morning! It was definitely weird the first time I  actually saw my stomach move. I look forward to every little kick I feel throughout my day and night. I have had many more looks from strangers, but still no creepers I don't have tried to touch my belly, I can't wait for that day!

I am getting very excited for Christmas! All the cards are sent, lights are up, but few presents have been bought! That is my mission for the next couple of days! Jeff and I went out all day Saturday to complete the shopping, but I think we ended up buying more things for Jeff than presents. I am all for Jeff buying himself things, because the poor guy never shops... me on the other hand...

Here are a couple of pics... sorry they are a little behind!

                                                                        22 weeks

                                                                        23 weeks


                                                          Baking Christmas cookies! 


  1. Wow, what a difference, we cant wait to see you too!
    Wish you were spending Christmas with us, but you will have a Grand time with the Sutton's, they are so ood to you guys.
    Cant wait to take care of STEWART, wee!

  2. You sure look like I did at your age in that picture of you making the cookies.
    Love you Britty
